
I Am From…


I am from scattered paper,
From cold sprite on a hot day and worn down pencils.
I am from the tall cream house with columns and glass double doors,
Smooth hard wood floors that let you skate in socks.
I am from the large oak tree with a “deck” in it,
Which I helped build during my summers.
The forest that was torn down for Seven Oaks,
The views that will forever be painted in my memory.
I’m from Black Eyed Peas on New Years and the love of action movies,
From Scott and Marlo Urdahl.
I’m from naturally loud voices and the ability to easily lose things,
And from hard work ethics.
I’m from “Don’t smack when eating!” And Dr.Seuss bedtime stories,
And “A,B,C’s”.
I’m from early Christmas mornings,
I’m from Austin Texas and the south.
Talerine casserole and Fritos corn dip,
From wondering into neighbor’s yards.
Being forced to put up a fence,
To keep the curious kids from angering the neighbor.
With floppy hats and swim suits,
In the sunny heat of Florida on our fridge.
All of these are paintings that cover those scattered papers,
and those scattered papers are what I thrive for each and every day.

Letter to Thanksgiving

Dear thanksgiving,
I guess you would be a “forgotten” holiday,
Everyone is already getting ready for Christmas.
People don’t see how amazing you are,
You give us pumpkin pie and family time,
You allow us a time to give thanks to anything.
You’re a tradition as old as America itself almost,
Plus this year you’re twinning with Hanukkah.

I love you thanksgiving,
Always my favorite,
Just because you don’t seem bothered with the fact
That a lot of people skip over you.
Just know that you will have me,
Always eating turkey and the pie so you can feel better,
Even if you don’t care.

So, all in all, thanksgiving is something that everyone should love,
Not just me.

You’re follower,


Photo Credit: Nemo’s great uncle via Compfight cc

I want, I wish, I need

I want to ride red dragons in the air,
To look out my window and see the stars,
To be magical and powerful,
To dream…

I wish to ride the crisp blue waves,
To fly with birds in a “V” and be the leader,
To run with the wolves and feel the rush of adrenaline,
To dream…

I need to have all of these,
To get through the day when I’m tired or bored,
To never let go of my childhood,
To dream…



10 things you could never guess about me

1. I am 5’3 1/2″ not 5’3 not 5’4
2. I hate cheddar cheese
3. I would much rather write fiction/fantasy than play a video game.
4. I always have loved corn dip
5. I have a dent in my finger from using a pencil or pen so much
6. My dream is to become a successful vet with a side job as a teen book author
7. I really like Lima beans
8. My favorite number is nine
9. My second favorite number is 8
10. I just can’t ski if my life depended on it

Sancho and His IV

So, it’s me again, I know, didn’t expect that right? Well, as some of you may know I have a very old cat that is 17-18 years old. We took him to the vet because it looked like he was having dental problems and he wasn’t eating. Well, they examined him and ran a few tests. They found out he had kidney failure. I was heart broken, two years ago we lost his sister, Hannah, to kidney failure too. I didn’t know how to react, to just start crying or put on a happy face for Sancho so he wouldn’t be more anxious than he already was. The doctor told us that he would need an IV every day for about a week, and I would be the one to do so. She showed us how we would lift up the skin on the back of his shoulders and stick in the needle. In case you don’t know an IV is a needle that is attached to a tube that is attached to a bag of something. It is to get extra fluids to a patient if they need it, I’m sure everyone has seen what one looks like on T.V. I absolutely hate needles but this didn’t faze me. I guess it’s because I realized that if I was going to be a vet, I would have to get use to putting them inside animals. We put Sancho in his little box with a bed on the bottom and brought him home.


It was a few hours ago that I gave his IV to him. It was strange not having the vet there, it was like it was harder to do so. I guess that when you have someone that had done something a million times they make it seem easy so you can do it. But when the time comes for you to do it alone you realize it is harder than you initially thought. I realized this after he got the injection, it was like most things. Like when you see an actor perform on stage it looks like fun, but if you have to do it yourself it’s the most terrifying thing in the world. Then, when it’s over you realize it wasn’t that bad, and you improve the next time you do it.
Well, that was my experience, so next time you get stage fright, or you get scared of something… Just face it and you’ll realize that it’s not as bad as you thought.


In a fantasy world,
Beyond the reach of the royal guards,
Above the green grass,
In a regal tower,

Until one day he came,
On her eighteenth birthday,

Up the tower he climbed,
To be met with a frying pan,

Down the tower,
By her long, blonde hair,
To their escape,
Towards the floating lights,

By Carly and Me

My “Candy” Store

Genetics Exhibit, San Jose Tech
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Thomas Hawk via Compfight

Everyone has the one thing they love, whether that be Hershey Dark Chocolate Kisses to the newest boy-band, everyone has one. I found my love because of my brother. When I was younger and in first or second grade I was very competitive. My brother had learned how to read and was whizzing through books, being myself and sibling rivalry, I had to do better. I learned how to read quickly, reading Junie B. Jones and The Magic Tree-house. Eventually those books became too easy, so I had to find a book store. This is where the story really should begin, but I like giving back stories. The one book store close enough to my house was Barnes and Noble, and it was like a dream. I even loved the smell of the store. I walked through the store, and like I usually do, I got entranced and wandered away from my dad. Being only about seven at the time I got scared. I don’t like showing weakness so I just started wondering about, then I found the amazing world of the kid section.

I found my dad and brother there. They didn’t even realize I had been missing! Well, now that I think to back to it, they probably did but just didn’t want to bring it up. I looked around and found a few books with cats on them, the only problem was that it said Warriors. I just kinda left it. Then I went to the back and found… STICKER BOOKS!!!!!! It was amazing! I had known of sticker books I didn’t know of the magical place they came from. I instantly found one about dogs. I picked it out and ran to my dad. I begged him to let me take it, he complied. I was so happy I forgot what we had come there for. We ended up leaving without a “book” for me.

Oh, well. There was always the school library.