My “Candy” Store

Genetics Exhibit, San Jose Tech
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Thomas Hawk via Compfight

Everyone has the one thing they love, whether that be Hershey Dark Chocolate Kisses to the newest boy-band, everyone has one. I found my love because of my brother. When I was younger and in first or second grade I was very competitive. My brother had learned how to read and was whizzing through books, being myself and sibling rivalry, I had to do better. I learned how to read quickly, reading Junie B. Jones and The Magic Tree-house. Eventually those books became too easy, so I had to find a book store. This is where the story really should begin, but I like giving back stories. The one book store close enough to my house was Barnes and Noble, and it was like a dream. I even loved the smell of the store. I walked through the store, and like I usually do, I got entranced and wandered away from my dad. Being only about seven at the time I got scared. I don’t like showing weakness so I just started wondering about, then I found the amazing world of the kid section.

I found my dad and brother there. They didn’t even realize I had been missing! Well, now that I think to back to it, they probably did but just didn’t want to bring it up. I looked around and found a few books with cats on them, the only problem was that it said Warriors. I just kinda left it. Then I went to the back and found… STICKER BOOKS!!!!!! It was amazing! I had known of sticker books I didn’t know of the magical place they came from. I instantly found one about dogs. I picked it out and ran to my dad. I begged him to let me take it, he complied. I was so happy I forgot what we had come there for. We ended up leaving without a “book” for me.

Oh, well. There was always the school library.