
Expository Writing: Why Austin is The Best Place to Live

Looking for a little bit of everything? Then you have come to the right place! Hot and cold, city and country, rain and sun! This is Austin, and Austin is the best place to live.

One reason is that there are tons of things to do. For example, you can bring your bike to one of the hike and bike paths that Austin has to offer and have an easy time getting to Lake Austin. I know that when I go biking I like cooling down and there is no better way than just putting my feet in the water. Then, while you’re at the lake you can go rent a canoe or paddle board and go farther out to see the amazing scenery Austin has to offer.

Also, the wildlife and botany Austin has creates wonderful scenery. One example of this is that we are home to the Austin Blind salamander, Barton Springs salamander, and the Jollyville Plateau salamander. These salamanders live no where else in the world, so it is interesting to have endangered species living so close. You not only get to see them, but you have to ability to learn about them first hand.

So, do endangered species and accessible recreational activities not sound fun? Well, they should, because living in Austin is the best. Well, it may just be the best for me. What’s the best place for you? Everyone has that one place that is the best for them, I’m lucky enough to have found mine, why don’t you go find yours?

How to Pass Time on an Airplane

Boooooring. Boooooooooring. Boooooooooooooooring. That is how I describe plane rides, unless of course you have something to do. I am one of those people that can’t stand an airplane ride.  It took a few years but I finally pulled together enough tricks so I could enjoy it.

First off, you need a form of entertainment. I find that electronics are used mostly, but the thing is you can easily get sick of these if you aren’t prepared. Make sure that there are plenty of apps that you like (I say about ten plus are good, but it depends on how long your flight is. The longer the flight, the more apps). Another good form of entertainment are books. Since today most books are electronic, make sure you download these before hand or you will not have books. Make sure that your electronic device is charged and at a hundred when YOU GET ON THE PLANE. Many people also enjoy music so make sure, if you like music, you have plenty of the type you like. Radio will most likely not work. Even though these sounds like enough to get you through the plane ride, people like me can get bored very easily or may get a headache from the high altitude, you may decide that perhaps you would much rather like to catch up on rest you’ve lost.

Sleeping is what a great deal of people decide to do on their time on an airplane. For instance when I have a raging headache because of the altitude, I begin to feel extremely sick. And when I’m sick, I like to sleep. It allows you to have relief from perhaps grumbling conversations, screaming babies, or the flight attendant that seems a little too cheery and just is getting on your nerves. I have nothing against flight attendants, but when you’re in an airplane you never know what could set of that part of your mind that makes you hate everything. Sometimes though, I find it hard to fall asleep. Here are some things you could use if you find this being you’re problem. Bring a pillow or some comfort item, these will make you feel more at home. A blanket can provide warmth or a blockage of light if it is bothering your eyes. Most importantly you could listen to soothing music or just put in headphones to block the noises we talked about earlier.

I hope that this helps you figure out how to pass time on an airplane. I also know that you have at least one thing you cannot stand, so I suggest you come up with a few ideas to help you get through them. It helps if you plan before hand so you know exactly what you need. If you wait till last minute, you will forget something. Now, please allow me to go back to packing, I need to make sure I have every thing.

*everything blinks into blackness*